The responsible body for this website within the meaning of the $ 5 TMG [Telemediengesetz/German Telemedia Act] is:

Philipp Kraft Marvin Küppers
Artusweg 3 Oberer Grundweg 21 A
70469 Stuttgart 70563 Stuttgart
Germany Germany
Phone 0174 2914 854

Persons responsible for content in accordance with § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement) are the persons authorized to represent, as described above:

Philipp Kraft and Marvin Küppers

We, Philipp Kraft and Marvin Küppers, as operators of this website, take the issue of data protection very seriously. We will always handle your personal data confidential and in accordance with the requirements of the German Law [German Federal Data Protection Act] and this data protection statement.

This website may be used without entering personal information. We want to inform you in the following about different rules, that come along with the usage of some functionality of this website.

Please be aware, that complete protection against security gaps cannot be ensured, when transferring data via the internet. Because of this, it's not possible to exclude data access through third-party.

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at:

According to the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) [German Federal Data Protection Act], data are considered personal, if it can be associated exclusively to a specific natural person. This data is for example your name, address, email or phone number.

The Bundesdatenschutzgesetz [BDSG, German Federal Data Protection Act] and the Telemediengesetz [TMG, German Telemedia Act] are the legal bases for concerns of data protection.

When visiting our website, your web browser sends information because of technical reasons to us respictively to our webspace provider. These data are for example:

  • Your type of Browser and it's version number
  • The current operating system of the device, you use to visit our website
  • the websites that linked you to our site, if available (Referrer URL)
  • The webpages, you visited on our website
  • Date and Time of your visit
  • Your IP Address (Internet Protokoll Adresse)

These data will be saved in anonymized form and differed from other personal data, you may have given us. So it's not possible to identify a specific person with this data. The data will be used solely for statistical purposes.

We do not transmit your personal data to third-parties without getting your permission first.

Cookies are small text files, your web browser places and saves on your computer, whenever you visit a website. Normally they are so called "session cookies", that are deleted automatically, when you stop visiting the website or close your web browser. Sometimes there will be saved some data inside the cookie, for example your IP address, to be able to identify you when you visit the site again.

If you want to prevent cookies from being installed, you can use you web browser's settings to deny them. Please be aware that you may not be able the full functionality of this website, when denying cookies.

When you use one of the forms on this website, like the contact form, or when you send us an e-mail, the data and contact information you give us, will be saved to be able to answer your request and to be able to answer possible further requests. We neither forward it to third parties nor otherwise make it available to third-parties.

At any time you have the right to cancel the collection, processing and use of your personal data and/or the right to revoke your consent with effect for the future. Please write us to:

You have the possibility to contact us for no cost, if you have any questions regarding the collection, processing or use of your personal data. We are obliged to make you this offer because of the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz [German Federal Data Protection Act]. Also you have the right to have incorrect data corrected or to have deleted all your personal data, we have collected so far. You have this right, if there is no collision with other laws, that oblige us to retain this data.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at: